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Studio Portal

Welcome to the Studio Portal: Your go-to resource for everything you need to stay connected and informed. Access the studio calendar, payment portals, important updates, and more, all in one convenient place

For over THREE DECADESthe North Shore School of Dance has been a leader in dance education and professional training. Our faculty and staff are committed to providing the finest quality of training in an environment that is nurturing, challenging, and disciplined. Our goal is to educate the mind, body and soul of each of our students. We believe that our success comes as a result of quality training and passion, by staying true to the traditions of dance as an art form.


At NSSD, we don’t teach students a dance, we teach them how to dance. We believe in education and teaching them skills that will last a lifetime. Our dance classes give each student confidence that instills pride and a higher self-esteem.


 All students and parents are required to abide by NSSD rules, guidelines and regulations outlined below.

NSSD relies on a positive atmosphere for our faculty, dancers and their parents. Our program promotes a positive learning experience for all participants. We believe that the dancer’s success depends on the support of their parents or guardians. Your commitment to the process makes an enormous difference; we encourage you to be a supportive part of your child’s dance education.

Dear Parents,

Students are expected to treat North Shore School of Dance staff and peers with respect and a positive attitude. Dance class is not a time for socialization, it is a time for focus, dedication and education. Excessive talking is distracting and disrespectful to the teachers and classmates.

Dear Students,

A Message to Parents & Students

Studio Policies

Studio Policies

Studio Policies


NSSD Attendance Policy

We request that absences be reported to the office prior to class time. If an absence is not reported, it will be considered unexcused. The dancer's presence at all classes is imperative. The spirit of teamwork and the lesson of dedication are a big part of our school's educational process.


Good attendance is critical to consistent progress and advancement. Students missing an excessive amount of classes during the year will not advance. We encourage each child to make up any missed classes. No student is permitted to make up a class in a level more advanced than their registered class. Students entering class ten minutes late will be asked to observe class for that day. Injuries can result when a student has not had a proper warm up.

Injuries, Illness & Allergies

Please inform your instructor of any health problems your child may have. Your signature on the registration form is certification of your child's ability to participate in his/her dance class. Please inform your child's instructor of any pervious injuries of physical limitations.


Students who are injured and unable to participate are asked to come and observe class. Observing class is important to the development of the students' dance education. Once a student has stopped participating in class they may not resume class at any point. 



Due to the number of nut allergies in our students, NSSD is a nut free zone. If your child needs a snack between multiple classes, please provide them with a healthy alternative. As a reminder, there is no eating in any of the dressing rooms or studios.

General School Etiquette Rules

Pick Up/Drop Off School Etiquette

  • Please turn off all cell phones when entering NSSD.

  • All waiting areas must be kept quiet.

  • No running in the hallways.

  • No cell phones in the studios.

  • Students are not allowed to use studio pianos.

  • Do not lean on the barres.

  • Chewing gum and eating are not permitted in the studios.

  • Street shoes are not allowed in the studios.

  • This is a place of business; students/families must conduct themselves in a quiet, controlled, appropriate manner in all areas of the building.

  • Wear street clothing or warm-ups over your dancewear when outside of the studio.

  • Do not wear dance shoes outdoors.

  • Students are not to be left unattended and should remain with parent or guardian until class begins.

  • Please arrive early so that your child has ample time to use the bathroom before class.

  • Parents must be prompt when picking up their child or carpool.

  • Please call the office if you are running late. After an initial warning, parents that are repeatedly late will be charged at a fee of $15.00 per 15 minutes.

Before Class School Etiquette

During Class School Etiquette

  1. Be on time for classes and rehearsals.

  2. Do not enter a class rehearsal in session without first getting permission from the instructor.

  3. Students who are injured or who arrive late to class should sit quietly in the studio observing class. This is to ensure the students’ physical safety. A written observation should be turned in to the instructor at the end of the class.

  4. No jewelry including necklaces, bracelets long earrings and/or wristwatches should not be worn during class.

  5. Hair must be secured in a bun for ballet, pull back and off the neck for all other classes.

  1. Students may not sit down or leave class without the teacher’s permission, except in an emergency.

  2. Movements other than the one being demonstrated or addressed by the instructor should not be practiced during that time.

  3. Be alert to all corrections given to you and the other students in class.

  4. Do not talk in class. Address any questions to the instructor. Students must show respect to teachers and fellow dancers for an enjoyable learning environment.

  5. In the event of an accident, the instructor wiII supervise procedures.

  6. Change groups quickly and energetically in the center.

  7. Do not block the accompanist’s view during class.

  8. After the lesson, remain on the floor until the instructor retreats from the center of the room to thank the accompanist.

Parent Observation

Parent observation occurs at two specific times throughout the year. the dates for parent observation are posted on the bulletin boards and are located in the fall brochure. Please plan to stay for the entire class period. No flash photography is permitted. All cell-phones and pagers must be turned to silent or turned off. Show your dancer support by giving them your full attention and encouragement; show your dancer(s) what it is to be a good audience, as you set the best example.


Observation is only permitted at designated times. Prospective students and special cases must be approved by the instructor and Director no later than 1 week prior. The training process is sensitive; your presence may distract or inhibit other students. Viewing windows are available in most studios; however, if the class seems distracted by the window, the curtains will be closed. 




Due to changes in the postal service, copies of all NSSD mailings will be available on our website to download directly. This includes, but is not limited to all forms, brochures and packets. Limited paper copies will be available upon request. All inquiries should be directed to


As a reminder, all statements, confirmations, and class information will be emailed to the registered email address. Please update your email address as needed. the front office staff is not allowed to give out student or teacher class information, phone numbers, email addresses or home addresses. Therefore, we ask that phone numbers be exchanged on an individual basis.


All audition photos and/or videos must be pre-arranged through the office and director at least 24 hours prior. Please contact the office to inquire about studio availability and fees.

Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice

The front office staff are not allowed to give out student or teacher class information, phone numbers, email addresses or home addresses. Therefore, we ask that phone numbers be exchanged on an individual basis.

Privacy Notice

Information Collection/Use/Sharing

This privacy notice discloses the privacy practices for ( This privacy notice applies solely to information collected by this website. It will notify you of the following:

  1. What personally identifiable information is collected from you through the website, how it is used and with whom it may be shared.

  2. What choices are available to you regarding the use of your data.

  3. The security procedures in place to protect the misuse of your information.

  4. How you can correct any inaccuracies in the information.

We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone.


We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization.


Unless you ask us not to, we may contact you via email in the future to tell you about specials, new products or services, or changes to this privacy policy.

Your Access & Control Over Information


You may opt out of any future contacts from us at any time. You can do the following at any time by contacting us via the email address or phone number given on our website:


  • See what data we have about you, if any.

  • Change/correct any data we have about you.

  • Have us delete any data we have about you.

  • Express any concern you have about our use of your data.

We take precautions to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline.


Wherever we collect sensitive information (such as credit card data), that information is encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way. You can verify this by looking for a lock icon in the address bar and looking for "https" at the beginning of the address of the Web page.


While we use encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted online, we also protect your information offline. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, billing or customer service) are granted access to personally identifiable information. The computers/servers in which we store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment.


If you feel that we are not abiding by this privacy policy, you should contact us immediately via telephone at 847-432-2060 or via email at

Liaility Waivers

Liability Waivers

Prior to your first class, please present a signed copy of all necessary forms. Currently, NSSD has 3 required Liability Waivers that must be completed and returned to us in order for students to be able to participate in our classes and programming.


Please see below for more information:

General Liability

As the students/client/and/or the parent/guardian of a minor participant, I understand and expressly assume all risks involved in connection with dance instruction, rehearsal, social gatherings, and performances with at North Shore School of Dance, including but not limited to risk of bodily injury occurring as a result of contact with other students/clients, instructors, walls, equipment, floors, structural objects located in or near the studios or at home during virtual classes.  I am aware of any physical condition or physical limitations that warrants that the client/student is physically fit and able to participate in the activities involved in dance instruction, rehearsal, or performances. Students/clients waive all claims arising out of dance instruction, rehearsal, training, social gatherings, and performances, loss, theft, property damage or otherwise, which students/clients may ever have against North Shore School of Dance, its successors, and assigns, and its officers, directors, employees and agents, and their heirs, executors, and administrators.


Download, complete and return the form below before you start classes:


Photography / Likeness / Videotaping

Please be aware that by entering North Shore School of Dance, you consent to your image being used, without compensation, in videos or for use in any and all media.  As the student/client and/or the parent/guardian of a minor present, I authorize North Shore School of Dance and/or its representative, agent, or employee to photograph and/or videotape and use any photograph/likeness for any purpose, including publicity, choreographic archives, promotional materials and/or any other reason deemed appropriate by the directors at North Shore School of Dance

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